Monday 16 September 2013

Walking in a winter wonderland..

I was having a big reorganize of my blog delete some of my worst posts, and keeping some of the mediocre and  better ones, which to be honest isn't many! But I really wanted to improve the standard of my posts.
I have had a couple of draft posts which I hadn't had the chance to finish and among the realms of unfinished posts I found some photographs I had saved from my February trip to Prague. 

Although its ridiculously late I thought I would share some of the photos and experiences from the trip.

Prague was honestly the most beautiful place I have ever seen and It was like being in a fairytale.  I was so glad that we could go after a lot of scavenging for cheap enough flights and accomodation to join the group.

Before the ghost tour. Wrapped in blankets which each of the cafes supplied.
It is hard to put the magic of the city into words and the pictures really do not do it justice. 

Among the various activities (ghost tours, site seeing and of course shopping)  there were numerous cups of  to die for hot chocolate- which were literally melted chocolate in a cup.
On the trip we decided to brave a chilling ghost tour around the city centre and underground, We found the ghost tour acted as the perfect start to an evening of ghost stories. Being too scared to sleep really didn't matter because we spent the evenings chatting away.

The shopping in Prague was actually amazing and varied from beautiful little boutiques in side streets  to a big commercial shopping center. I was so happy to see a sephora which I have wanted to visit for years,  however the make up was very similar to that which you would find in a beauty hall in john lewis and to my disappointment they didn't have any sephora favorite kits. My favorite shops were definitely on the small side streets as I love the opportunity to find something unique that no one else will have back home.

Of course we did our fair share of site seeing and being typical  tourists.  One of my favorite activities was a trip up and down the river on a boat playing jazz music. Admitting jazz is not my thing but it was a lovely meal and we got to see a different perspective of the city. The accommodation made the trip even better and I loved the chance to spend time and relax with friends pushing aside the pressures of exams.

I would love the chance to go back to go back to prague even if it was just for the opportunity to taste the scrumptious hot chocolate and eat the deep fried potato on a stick in the cold again.
The group of friends we traveled with.